Monday, November 2, 2020

What is Star Warden?

 I introduced some information on Star Warden in my opening post and this post is to expand on that. What is Star Warden? It has a plot about Samuel Bailey, the eponymous Star Warden. An earthborn man who becomes a knight and fights the good fight against a Dark Lord, who will stop at nothing to keep his iron grip on the planet. But at its core beneath the plot what is it? 

Honestly, it's something I do not see on the shelves. A fun action-adventure story inspired by the pulps and various cartoons, that were inspired by pulps as well. It's heavily trope based for ease of getting invested in the story and sincere in the use of said tropes. It has a hero that's actually a hero, a romance with no drama and no harem or love triangle nonsense, and a villain that is actually a threat and lacks a sad backstory to make you feel sympathy for. 

Star Warden is fun and is something you would want to read, not just to fill the void Hollywood and their failures created. But it can also fill a niche if you are a fan of entertainment from Japan specifically if you are an isekai fan. Star Warden is also an isekai story, which basically means going to another world. If you read Alice in Wonderland or John Carter or watched Stargate then you know what I mean.

If you look at most isekai anime post-Sword Art Online one notices that the genre is homogenized. You find either a basic fantasy world with a complicated magic system, a comedic parody, RPG systems, or being stuck in a video game. Most importantly there is a distinct lack of iconic villains in these series, oh there is a demon king but they don't make an appearance or are given an actual name and that's for stories that actually have a big bad and not just a random calamity that spews monsters. Also, some isekai protagonists have a chip on their shoulder i.e Shield Hero. 

So Star Warden is my response to the state of affairs in both east and west, it is my wish to see good action-adventurer stories and to not let bad patterns go unchallenged. I am giving you fun optimistic heroes. Heroes that maintain that optimism even when they are on the backfoot or have suffered personal tragedy in their past. Villians that maintain a threatening presence, an effective challenge to the hero, and be a character without forcing a redemption arc on them. 

If any of this is what you have been looking for in your entertainment. No thanks are needed I am happy to be of service. 


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