Friday, November 20, 2020

Star Warden: Slayer of Evil. Chapter 8 and 9


The Dragon Weapon


Under the foreboding red sky of eternal night, the Star Warden and his two companions kicked up dust on the trail as they continued their quest. They took little rest and kept an eye out for patrols as they passed through empty plains and deserted towns. One of the towns had signs of a great struggle. Bodies lie in a farming village with wounds consistent with swords, pitchforks, and maces. Ratmen and Minotaurs lay side by side with Faeries and Milesians.

In the center of this village was a shrine made in the image of a bull's head topped with a burning crown. Hanging on each of its longhorns were the dead bodies of priests with ropes around their necks. This shrine was made in the image of the Dark Lord's standard known as the Tyrant's Crown. Around the shrine were effigies made in the image of Sam's armor and drenched in blood with empty space above the neck.

Sam freed the bodies and Kaguya used her gifts to ensure they were brought down safely.
Thankfully all that was done to them was this lynching with no signs of torture, mutilation, or any other depravities normally done to their persons. Kaguya led an impromptu service as Gareth and Sam placed them in freshly dug graves. She commended their souls to Kira to return to the golden world as their bodies go to Cerena, who would return them to nature.

The faith of the Celestial Powers stated that the moon of Aurora was the golden world that all souls returned to after death. But all souls had to pass by the third power of Mira; the Celestial Power of Wisdom, Knowledge, and Order. It was she who judged the souls and those who had forsaken oaths, or taken the path of evil were banished to the Abyss through Fomoria condemned to become demons for their crimes.

The three continued their travels until they reached a surviving section of wood, so Gareth could water his horse. Sam checked the broach while they waited as it began to glow signifying that she was somewhere nearby. He looked around for a sign of her when the ground began to open up and a badger-like creature crawled out of it. The emerald glowed white as the badger shifted into Bridget's form but with a hood over her head.

She pointed over her shoulder as she was too exhausted to speak. Sam looked and saw a group of armored Ratmen storm out waving swords. A bright light burst forth from Kaguya's staff and the rats shielded their eyes as they screeched in fear.

Flee.” Kaguya's voice echoed and her eyes began to glow with a great light. “You shall be spared.”

The rats did not heed her words as they charged forward screaming like banshees. The plasma flames surrounding Gareth's hammer shot out like a flamethrower burning one of the Ratmen. Sam blinded one of the rats with two shots of his ray gun and without a moment wasted sliced the ratman's throat in one swing.

Kaguya aided in battle granting both warriors gifts of strength and awareness making sure each hit would be a killing blow and ensure they were not caught unawares. The battle did not last long and the few rats that remained fled for their lives.

Hi, Sam. Guess the King and the Enchantress decided we get to be on the same team after all.” Bridget smiled in place of a laugh.

I guess so. Welcome to the team.” Sam gave her some water from his canteen. “You okay, any injuries?”

Just tired of running from patrols. Almost got caught by SWAT-bots when I went spying on the Dark Lord's castle and trying to find you.”

Is that a Sprite,” asked Gareth.

Correct. One of a kind too, you won't see these two on all of us,” Bridget said pointing to her horns.

So the myths are true.”

You are not the first person that has said that,” she giggled and then gasped. “Oh no I almost forgot something important. We need to go now!”


The Dark Lord is trying to get his hands on a dragon. When I was at Castle Town I discovered the information spying on his forces.”

Everyone mount up,” Sam commanded.

We have no time for this,” stated Gareth. “The Order is trained enough to fight a dragon if need be and those rations won't last forever for those still in Trader's Landing.”

Then we make time,” said Sam in a way that brooked no argument. “Those people will be in greater danger if Daimos gets his hands on a dragon. Plus we may be able to get the dragon on our side.”

Gareth didn't argue even if he did not appear to openly agree. With that settled, Sam and the others rode off with all due haste.




During their travel Bridget informed them more about the curse of eternal night. The curse was emitting from a device of techno-sorcery located in the old Castle Monmouth. The way it worked, which she admitted was mostly speculation, involved opening a small portal that allowed for Abyssal energies to enter the world. These energies blanketed the sky preventing the sun's rays from coming through while also creating minor temporal disruptions.

That explains why I can't even keep time anymore,” said Sam.

And why the land is dying,” said Bridget. “The more energies from the abyss that pour in the more corruption they cause. It's hard enough trying to navigate without the stars and the moons now I can hardly use the ground to know where I am or others are. Luckily I could tap into that broach to find you.”

Be it minutes, hours, or days that had passed they arrived at a canyon made from red dust and rock. Deep in the canyon, they found a dry riverbed leading to a ravine where they found the dragon. It was dressed in bright orange scales and had eyes with fiery pupils surrounded by solid black pits. It was struggling as its mouth was muzzled and chains were wrapped around its wings keeping it grounded. Before it stood a ratman dressed in gaudy robes with metallic hands chanting in ones and zeroes. The dragon's actions were slowly growing lethargic as SWAT-bots steadied their grip on the chains.

Sam made a quick look around and formulated a plan signaling his companions to take up positions. Sam and Gareth kept their backs to the canyon walls, moving deftly to ambush the rat warlock as the ladies moved to the plateau. Readying 
an incantation, Kaguya drew her silver staff while Bridget grew a bow and a quiver from her pocket. As Sam and Gareth got closer he prayed that they would not be exposed before they were in position.

That prayer was not answered as one of their number looked in his direction. Sam made himself as flat as he could, but to no avail, as the robot got closer. Another man might have wondered what gave him away, Sam on the other hand quickly drew his ray gun and shot right into the SWAT-bot's visor. 

His rocket pack roared to life as he launched himself at the bots, the first priority was to be a moving target and throw off their targeting systems. He swung Dawnbringer at the closest one but it dodged and a second one-shot him down. He landed on his feet and managed to block the incoming fire. A bolt of plasma flew past him and struck a robot in the chest knocking it back and causing a dent.

Aim for the head,” Sam yelled at Gareth.

Weapons fire blared all around him, the lack of cover didn't help matters. Sam weaved his way through it all hoping the rays would only his chest or shield. Gareth joined in the fray to cover his six, as SWAT-bots maneuvered around them for the best possible angle. Sam managed to leap onto one of the bots and drive his sword through its head. 

Above the fracas, Kaguya finished her incantation in the celestial tongue which caused the eyes of the dragon to snap open. Invigorated, the dragon then twisted and turned, snapping the chains from the ground and sending the SWAT-bots holding on to them flying off. Bridget added her magic to the scuffle, firing an arrow that exploded in the midst of the SWAT-bots. Tiny green orbs began to manifest which quickly became a mass swarm. The orbs cut through the armor like it was wet paper and consumed the robot soldiers.

The rat responded with its own mechanical sorcery as red crackling energy emerged from its metallic fingertips. Flying like lightning they slammed Sam against the canyon walls. Kaguya had her own response and blasted the rat with her spells. Which the rat countered with an electronic shield that flickered with each impact.

As the duel continued the remaining SWAT-bots converged on Sam keeping him pinned under a hail of particle rays. Gareth intervened and crushed one of the SWAT-bot's head with his hammer. Sam was then freed to return fire disabling the second one when it turned its head. He gave Gareth a thumbs up, briefly wondering if the knight would understand it. Gareth returned the gesture and Sam felt good knowing that some things were universal. 

The two then rushed at the rat warlock, but he was not caught off guard and summoned a black cloud that obscured their vision. 

Kaguya's winds removed the thick fog but the rat had scarpered off. At least they thought so at first until he revealed himself above the canyon with a black cloud under his feet. The wicked rat then spoke not in his own language but the common tongue. He had a hiss at the end of each word. 

 “I give you one chance. Surrender, Princess Kaguya, and your lover will live.”

Counter offer. Start running and you will live,” Sam declared.

You heard the Warden,” stated Kaguya.

The rat dismissed them with a scoff.


 With that great cry, circuitry began to glow hot beneath the rat's robe. The cloud spun around and covered the rat fully then expanded into the sky. Thunder roared as the clouds began to part and a blood-red metallic skeleton emerged from it. Draped in a black robe as if the Grim reaper itself was summoned. 

A demon,” Gareth shouted as he raised his hammer.

No not a demon, Sir Gareth,” Kaguya corrected. “It is the creation of computers and hologram projectors. Technology masquerading as spiritual gifts.”

Either way we're taking it down,” said Sam decisively. “Kaguya will keep the monster busy. Gareth you and me are going to kill the rat. See if we can't take down the holo-demon with it.”

During their conversation Bridget flew over to aid the dragon in removing the muzzle. She fired an arrow into the lock causing roots to sprout and damage the delicate gears and circuitry inside. The dragon's claws finished the job breaking the muzzle off completely. This act of heroism would cost her as the metallic creature unleashed from its fingers streams of energy that produced a horrifying screech as they flew. The dragon's quick thinking saved her from most of the streams but the remaining ones hit their mark.

She made no sound as she dropped to the ground beneath the dragon's wing, horribly burned as the skin on her right arm and the side of her face were vaporized. The dragon, freed from its bonds, roared hot flame at the metal pseudo-demon. The dragon took to the air to continue the assault but fell to retaliatory fire from the digital creature's own breath weapon.

You just bought yourself a world of pain!” Sam then grabbed Gareth and took to the skies. His blood boiled with righteous rage and he was going to unleash it all on this CGI demon. 

Kaguya unleashed a barrage of light to keep its attention while defending herself with a barrier from the disintegrator fingers. Thrown at high speeds by Sam, Gareth surrounded his hammer in plasma taking the form of a green fiery fist. The enemy turned to face him but only in time to receive a strike on the head. The dent turned into a burning crack as the metal began to melt.

Gareth landed safely shooting the plasma in a stream to slow his descent. The metal demon received no respite as the Star Warden opened fire with his pistol in his left hand and with a cannon on his right arm. The fusion canon was a refined replacement from his older twin-barreled cannon. High energy radioactive particles slammed the pseudo-demon into the walls of the canyon causing it to flicker and fade. It regained solid form and despite the pressure, struck back from the empty pits where eyes should be.

Using this distraction, Kaguya flew over to Gareth and summoned a solid platform that lifted them both up to the creature. They fired streams of light and plasma that pushed it further into the canyon walls. Sam fired the fusion canon again causing the holographic creature to degrade and begin pixelation. But it would not go quietly as a ball of energy formed within its mouth. 

That attack was disrupted when the dragon struck it from behind with a great wall of flame.  The combination of all energies caused the creature to explode leaving behind nothing but a ball of shadows. The ball of shadows fell to the ground and faded away revealing the robed ratman. Rather the remains of the ratman which were now just a chunk of blood and guts covered by torn and burnt cloth.

Kaguya wasted no time in healing Bridget, who was holding onto dear life.

Does she still breathes,” asked Gareth in a panicked voice.

Yes, she will not return to the Weave today.” Kaguya referred to the Sprite's afterlife. 

While Faeries and Milesians went to the Golden World. Sprites traveled to the Weave, the collective unconscious of the world's ecosystem. Where Sprites are granted rest before they must return to the world in a new form and take up their duties as stewards of nature.

There was a belief that Sprites that die away from their homelands loose connection to the Weave and are denied the afterlife. Which is why many of them do not actively engage in the war and focus on defending their sacred lands.

Gareth breathed a heavy sigh of relief and said. “Good. I did not wish to add to what I already owed.”

Sam was curious about what he meant by that but he elected not to pry. Right now he was thankful that Bridget would live and is unconscious. He did not have the same luck when he was burned by the Dark Lord's hand. He looked away from the wounds lest he reminds himself of those sleepless nights, the very pain all over his body denying him any rest or relief.

The Dragon came over to Bridget and snorted out a gust of wind which started to rapidly restore the lost skin on her body. “The least I could do,” said a strong and powerful voice. Only the voice was in their heads.

I thank you, Emissary, for the timely rescue. Might I ask who your companions are so I may properly thank them as well?”

You are most welcome,” said Kaguya. “These gentlemen are Sir Gareth, the Flaming Fist of the Order of Lancelot and Sir Bailey, the Star Warden and my husband.”

Congratulations, Your Radiance. Sir Bailey, Sir Gareth, allow me to introduce myself my name is Balthazar. As thanks for your aid today I will grant you a boon.”

There are the people of Trader's Landing who need your help,” said Sam. “Can you fly them to Joyous Guard for us?”

You wish for me to aid them rather than yourselves,” Balthazar questioned. “I offer this boon only once and I sense you need my aid just as well.”

We can take care of ourselves. Those people can't and there's no guarantee the Dark Lord won't retaliate for what we did here. Knowing you're protecting them will put me at ease as we finish our journey.”

The dragon nodded. “I sense no lies in your voice or other motives. Chivalrous and humble as well. Fine qualities in a knight.”

He is chivalrous, Lord Balthazar, I would not go so far as to say he's humble,” Kaguya said as she smirked at Sam.

Oh, you got jokes now do you.” Sam returned the smirk.

You did say your reputation was not exaggerated,” said Gareth hiding his own smirk.

Not by much I said. But I'm glad you're in a better mood. Come on let's ride we're burning.” 

Sam was at a loss for words as there was no daylight or moonlight, so he just shook his head and mounted his horse. Balthazar gently grabbed Bridget in one of his claws and took flight as Sam, Kaguya and Gareth rode off for Joyous Guard.

Chapter 7

Chapter 10


  1. I wonder if Star Warden will have a Mecha Godzilla in it somewhere. But seriously: Its fun to see how you use the Weave vs how I use it. Hehehehe, we really are of similar minds even if the wheelhouses have their own themes.

    1. I had read more of Uplift Protocol before I responded but yeah. We are of eerily similiar minds. We both have the Weave have a connection to life in some way along with other things.

      Fun or scary I can't say. But I do like it.
