Monday, May 24, 2021

Star Warden 3: CC. Chapter 11


Planting Seeds


Daniel was enjoying the celebratory mood around the Elder Tree. Sam had returned with the Cosmic Ring. The black knight Lorcan had been slain and that underneath the city of Gloriana was the key to a weapon that could free the world. All good reasons to be excited even if there was a final hard step to complete before a true party could be had.

Connor was making that clear to everyone. “We still have to re-activate the Sentinel first and that is under Gloriana. Which is still heavily defended.” The words were correct but it did not kill the festive spirit everyone had. For if they succeeded everyone on Aetherium would be free. Even if it still in the potential camp, the dream of freedom being so close was too intoxicating for anyone to ignore.

For some the intoxication was much more literal. As Daniel was walking down the non-military quarters. He found Kaguya standing guard in front of Sam's room. Blocking a group of female faeries with clear signs had too much to drink trying to get in.

The Star Warden is resting,” The Princess said barely holding back her exasperation.

Oh we won't disturb him. We just wish to thank him.”

Yes,” said another one. “Our hero should not feel unappreciated.” The other girls began to giggle.

He appreciates your thoughts. Now please let him rest.”

“Just let me inside milady. I'll make sure he rest of days,”

Daniel walked over to them. “Ladies.” they turned. “If you need to thank warriors there are still plenty of hard-working Rangers around.”

Stay out of this,” said one of the ladies. Which was followed up by a burp.

Daniel chucked. “So you plan to barge your way through and get to him? I would love to see how that fares for you.”

The inebriated ladies retained some mental faculties left and walked off as best they could.

“Thank you,” said Kaguya. “My patience was beginning to wear thin.”

“Sammy has been asleep since he returned with you.”

That is partially a deception. The Dragon battle was tiring but in actuality, Sam has been involved in a mental ritual. To allow him to communicate with Josie.”

That brought up a question in the back of his mind. Why would Sam unable to hear Josie while he and Peace could? Kaguya explained that when Josie originally attempted to establish telepathic contact. The mental wards could not recognize her as trustworthy and denied her thoughts entry.

When someone attempts to telepathically speak with Sam the wards would screen for abyssal corruption. Along with a celestial signature so the person can be identified as the true individual. It was not outside the realm of possibility for telepathic signals to be fraudulent. Due to Josie's telepathy being the result of science. It lacked any celestial energy, unlike Balthazar's mind speech.

Thus the ritual was designed to bring Josie's celestial signature to the surface when the wards screened her speech.

That explains that. But why are you out here,” asked Daniel.

Because I am to ensure none disturbs the ritual. She was explicit that if the ritual was disrupted it would give Sam intensive brain damage.”

Then head inside. I will keep watch for any harpies.”

Kaguya shook her head. “I will remain here. For I seek to speak to you.”

Oh,” he said with a strong curious tone. Reinforced by his facial expression. “On what subject?”

A thank you for helping Sam in the past as his godfather.”

Daniel was surprised by the statement. “Nothing worth thanking me for, Princess.”

Helping a young boy who lost his mother is something worth a thousand thanks.”

Your thanks are accepted. What brought up this line of conversation?”

Kaguya's face turned serious along with her tone. “There is a secret I wish to share with you. Before you agree be warned. This will affect your life from here onward. You will be drawn into something far beyond what you are used to. You will be burdened with more responsibility and knowledge only a few others share. My wish was to express my appreciation for all you've done for him if you choose to decline.”

Daniel took what she said to heart. “Does this knowledge put Sammy in danger?” Kaguya nodded. “Then tell me everything. I will not abandon the lad.”

The wooden door shifted open behind Kaguya. “Come along. I have much to tell you.”


Hours earlier. The Enchantress had completed her magic ritual that allowed Josie and Sam to communicate telepathically. It would take him some time before he mastered the art of telepathy. But for now, he could understand her in a way that would not break noise discipline. However, there were now much more serious matters to be discussed.

Dismissing Josie for now, Sam, Kaguya, and Celes joined the Enchantress near the foundation of the Elder Tree. It was similar to the underground grove in the Silver Spire. Replace the white flowers and lake with flowing rivers, waterfalls, and various pine trees that dotted the area. Though the rivers did not have water as one knew it. These waters were a bright green and shined with morning dew.

These waters were the Weave in a liquid state. It was this direct contact with celestial energy, that created plant and animal life that could not be found in other places. Birds with strange colors, rodents of unusual size, and talking otters. Plates of delicious fruits and glasses filled with exotic juices were served by the talking otters and Sprites.

So, what's brings us all here. I'm not guessing it's for the picnic. Though I wouldn't complain if it was,” Sam said as he took a bite.

We have much to discuss,” said the Enchantress. “Concerning the future of Aetherium and our conflict with Daimos. Before I begin Her Radiance has an announcement for you.”

Kaguya had been bouncing around all day. Giggling and smiling at Sam with a certain glow around her. Sam had tried to ask her but she kept putting a finger on her mouth and declaring it a secret. At last, the secret shall be revealed.

I am with child, Sam. Your child.” Kaguya placed to hands on her stomach. She smiled and then made a noise of such glee it caused the birds to flee. 

Sam blinked twice in surprise. “How long,” He asked when he found his voice.

A week. The Enchantress sensed the new life growing within me.”

Only a week huh. So we got a hot spring baby.” He laughed as Kaguya blushed. Thinking about all they did back in that hot spring aside from eating sweets.

This is the best day of my life. I'm going to be a dad.” He spoke as if he almost didn't believe it.

Yes you will,” said the Enchantress. “The moment I learned Her Radiance was with child I called this meeting. Your children will be key to our plans to defeat Daimos.”

Children? Kaguya is having twins?”

That we do not know. What we do know is that three children will be needed.”

For the Angel of Death Program. We will need the aid of the Sages,” said Celes. “Three of them. Three specific ones as stated in the encrypted notes from Queen Guinevere.”

Celes went through the story of the three sages. Three special sages Cerena, Kira, and Mira. These individuals would through myth become known as Celestial Powers. Born as triplets with a stronger connection to the Celestial Realm than a normal sage. In obscure texts, some would grant them the rank of Saint for this connection. Cerena: Saint of Life. Kira: Saint of Light, and Mira: Saint of Law. Each one specialized in one of the three areas of the Realm.

After the Saints defeated the traitor Tuatha on Aetherium. King Arthur prepared to work with them on the Angel of Death program. Arthur's plan was simple: the Angel of Death would target the remaining traitors and any Abyssal corruption left. While the Saints provided a shield to ensure the Angel of Death did not cause any collateral damage.

But since Mordred used the weapon too soon. Aetherium got turned into floating rocks and nearly destroyed the Tuatha.” said Sam.

Instead of a shield to protect to loyal Tuatha. Their energies were sacrificed to ensure Aetherium would be stable for life,” explained Celes.

“What I don't understand is why not just program it.”

To not attack loyal Tuatha,” Celes interjected. Sam nodded. “The Angel of Death is closer in function to an atomic weapon.”

“Meaning that even if you hit the traitors any loyalist ships in range would be destroyed as well. So the Saints are essentially the ultimate lead shield to protect from the creation energy fallout?”

Celes and the Enchantress nodded in the affirmative.

“But why my children?”

We speculate that it is to correct the mistake from last time,” said the Enchantress. “The Powers must be trying to better protect the new Saints by tying them to your bloodline rather than have them separate.”

Sam sighed. “Okay let me rephrase the question. Why are we putting kids in harm's way? You're an expert in the Weave or one of the Sprites?”

The Saints are specifically designed for this task. They are powerful in a way a Sage or a Cardinal is not. In a sense, they speak for the Celestial Realm, understanding with an instinct no one could teach. Even if I did join to make the shield. We would still need an expert in the Everglow and Dreamscape which we do not have.”

“There is also the possibility that whoever we recruit may not be strong enough to hold the shield long enough to remove all of Daimos's work.” Sam turned to see Kaguya had spoken. “The Dyson Spheres as you called them, Sam. The Templars have learned that they possess another function. As computers.”


Celes explained. “He is using the energy of the sun to power calculations. As a way to expand his presence beyond armies.”

You mean he would be able to use more of the Codex without needing to be there himself. Just focus his mind through the sphere and onto the planet in question?”

One of many possibilities. Most likely to have a way to preserve himself as well. Those will have to be destroyed as well.”

“Not to mention we could free anyone that was turned into a Servitor by Daimos,” said Kaguya. “While I wish not for our children to be involved in the war. We will need them to ensure when the Dark Lord is defeated he does not take our galaxy with him.”

Sam sighed.“Okay. I understand. But how do we handle the fact that they will be kids? Daimos won't just let us call a time out and let them grow up. Though if he finds out they exist he won't let them grow up at all.”

That is why we will do everything in our power to ensure he does not discover their existence,” said the Enchantress. “Only those we trust shall know the truth. As for their age, there is a possible solution to that.”

Kaguya stopped the retelling there. As Daniel was taking in all the information she shared so far.

I'm. Speechless for the most part. I don't know how to respond to all the other information. But I do know my grandkids need help. Which is all I need to know. You have my word that I will not tell another soul.”

“You are free to tell Rose if she agrees to keep our secret. Which I expect she will.”

No worries there. Now, what about that solution?”

Ah, Avalon. Shall I put some Tea on while we wait? It will be a long discussion.”

Chapter 12

Chapter 10


  1. Oh yeah, I can def. see how those kids could be used for bad ends.

    Plus tech and magic used in a zig zag way. House Atomics. (Kinda.)

  2. PS: Babies! A fight for the future's future!
